
Your middle of the ElectroMagnetic schedule, “HOWDY, Hoss”!

A mix of the best Americana, Y’Alternative & New-Folk Tunesmiths. PLUS selections from yesteryear’s Country & Western, Traditional Blues and Mountain Music Legends. There are some clear connective tissues and through-shots accross these genres and artists. Songs with themes of a longing for family & home. Some are down on their luck, others have already pulled themselves up by their boot-straps. Most are salt of the earth folks while others are your run-of-the-mill outlaw men & women.

Good people and harder licks make for greater songs.

-Mondays, 2pm-4pm ET

-Tuesdays, 1pm-3pm ET

-Wednesdays, 3pm-5pm ET

-Thursday & Fridays, Noon to 3pm ET

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